Hello everyone, Welcome to our blog.

We are Tina and Alex and together we make up Aldama Party of Two. This is a new food blog designed to give a real perspective on places that you may go all the time or things that are new to you, that you may want to try.Aldama-28

We created this blog simply, because we could. We sit there on Sunday mornings reading the critics and think, “man I could do that,” and lets be honest, most of us have sat and said that too many times. So we decided after many trips to the 4 out of 5 star restaurants that the critics rave about because they are new and trendy, and being sorely disappointed, we decided to start letting people in on places that we try. Some may not be fancy; but either way we will let you know our honest opinion.

Throughout our blog we would like to let you in on some of our little cooking secrets and ideas too; because you may not want to eat out all the time. Home cooking can be even better.

Thank you for joining us on our little adventure and we hope that you enjoy eating with us.

Tina & Alex